Pivotal Labs
Agile Test Engineer • Jan - Apr 2016
As part of the Exploratory Testing Team at Pivotal, my responsibilities included testing web and mobile applications in continuous integration, conducting charters to find bugs and suggest new features, developing UI automation tests with Selenium and Google's Espresso framework, and contributing to the front-end development of an internal web application. During this term I experienced the agile development process firsthand while testing major applications in a fast-paced environment.
espresso for android
android studio
charles proxy
Discovering showstoppers with Pivotal
• Deployed 20+ Android JUnit4 functional and regression tests in Java using Google Espresso, covering smoke tests and login/signup flows
• Redesigned and constructed device signout application used daily by Toronto division, increasing traffic by 15%
• Discovered 15+ showstopper bugs using Charles Proxy to break major functions of apps, communicated issues with PMs/developers